We have ordered and tried various bottles and sippies but we could not try them all. Labels, at rest, are a bit over 2 inches in diameter and will stretch to about 4 inches. The more the stretch the more stretched out the name will be.
These labels will NOT fit the 4oz small Dr. Browns bottles (yes to the 8oz ones).
Please look through our reviews as many of of customers notate which bottles or sippies these have worked on.
Can I do a different name on each label?
On Etsy you can do 1 name/1 font per multi-pack. We do multiple names on our personal site (same name dot com). Doing full names (first & last) is ok as long as it's on all 3 labels.
Will each name be perfectly centered/straight?
We center them as much as possible. Many factors go into how the name engraves as in the way the name is, font chosen and most importantly that I am a human and not perfect (shhh don't tell my husband). The other main factor is that even when I may put the name perfect a laser works by using mirrors and a camera to place the image (in this case the name) on the label from a computer program. All that to say, we cannot guarantee any name to be perfect, but we do guarantee that the name will be legible and the label will be able to serve its purpose.
Can I use dry erase markers for date, etc?
Yes. Marker will wash/wipe off.
Laser Products have black "dirt". How can I clean?
Dish soap (dawn) and hot water should be tried first. Some spots are tougher though so take a bit of rubbing alcohol and a qtip to those spots and they will remove easily.
Will “X” name fit?
We can fit pretty much any/all length names. However please keep in mind the longer the name(s) you use the smaller the text will have to be to fit. We only have a certain amount of space we can use to laser. Also, when adding a graphic item with your name will factor into this as well.
- All monitors and screens will shows colors differently. If there is a color you are questioning please feel free to message us and we can clarify colors for you. Example: peony and blush are various shades of pink, lavender and lilac are various shades of purple, etc.
- Lots of factors play into how a name will engrave. A few of those factors are font choice, name length and color of the band. If you have any questions prior to ordering about what will work best please reach out before ordering.
These colors fit *BEST* in these categories. If there are ANY QUESTIONS about what you are expecting or are seeing please send us a message and we will clarify as best as we can for you.
Orange - Peach
Yellows - Buttercup, Banana
Greens - Sea, Peacock, Olive, Fern
Blues - Bahama, Sky, Powder, Denim
Purples - Lavender, Lilac, Plum
Pinks- Peony, Blush, Taffy
Neutrals - Sugar, Coconut, Ivory, Taupe, Caramel
Grays - Glacier, Slate